Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Runner, Runner

Justin Timberlake and Ben Affleck are in Puerto Rico filming "Runner, Runner." Whoop de do! I am not working on the production of this movie as unfortunately the original PM they hired here was fired along with a few other people (I'm not sure but the rumors are that quite a few art department people and casting director, among others, were fired). I am not going to complaint about that, although I think it is a very sucky situation. What I do want to complain about is the absurd media coverage the production has been receiving everyday from the Puerto Rico press. These are a few of the headlines: "Ben Affleck farts in La Concha," "Justin Timberlake pooped in La Perla." Well, those aren't really the headlines, but they might as well be, as they are all just as insipid. It's like El Nuevo Dia and Primera Hora think they are the official Facebook status of the production of "Runner, Runner." Do these people know how annoying it is to work in a production, or to just work in general, and be followed by the press? Or more like stalked? No wonder JT has to have his bodyguards with him at all times. I think  the media coverage is ridiculous!!!! Leave these people alone!!! Let the production of "Runner, Runner" work!!!! Let them film in peace so that these actors, these producers and crew want to come back and film in Puerto Rico!!! I don't care what goes down anywhere in the world when foreign productions go to film, I care that when those productions come to Puerto Rico everything goes smoothly and that they can feel they can work peacefully and without being stalked by the local press. To the Puerto Rico press: LEAVE RUNNER RUNNER ALONE YOU ARE HARMING OUR FILM INDUSTRY for a few extra sales. Your articles on it aren't interesting, they are annoying! Who cares if Uma Blasini is in it, who cares if Bodine Kohler is filming today, who cares if Zuleyka Rivera is filming tomorrow??? Pretty please and thank you!!!

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